Highly Reliable Organizations in the Onshore Natural Gas Sector: An Assessment of Current Practices, Regulatory Frameworks, and Select Case Studies
T his study focuses on onshore natural gas operations and examines the extent to which oil and gas firms have embraced certain organizational characteristics that lead to 'high [...]
Controlling Methane Emissions in the Natural Gas Sector: A Review of Federal & State Regulatory Frameworks Governing Production, Gathering, Processing, Transmission, and Distribution
T his report provides an overview of the regulatory frameworks governing methane emissions from natural gas activities. The scope of the report includes all onshore facilities [...]
Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis, The Regulatory Framework Governing Unconventional Natural Gas Development, Natural Gas and the Transformation of the U.S. Energy Sector: Electricity.
Domestic natural gas production was largely stagnant from the mid-1970s until about 2005. Planning had been under way by the early 2000s to construct about 40 [...]